Root Canal (Endodontics)

Removing a tooth infection and filling the canal where the nerve was removed is called a root canal treatment
(also known as endodontic treatment). When the nerve in a tooth dies, the infected tissue needs to be removed
by either extracting the tooth, or performing a root canal therapy.
root canal
You will need a root canal treatment if your tooth is infected or or has dead pulp. The two most common causes of infection in the pulp are deep cavities or fractures & broken teeth. Both expose the pulp to bacteria that live in your mouth. These bacteria can cause an infection that can damage the pulp. Without treatment, the pus from the infection can eventually gather down at the root tip and pass into the jawbone, causing an abscess and damage of the bone that surrounds the tooth. The resulting pressure inside the bone and ligaments can cause severe pain, and if left untreated, can even be life threatening. We employ the use of several tests and x-rays to diagnose your condition so you can begin treatment immediately.

Perhaps you are experiencing any or all of the following symptoms, in which case you may need a root canal:
  • Pain while chewing food
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink
  • Change in colour of tooth
  • Constant toothache
  • Bad taste in the mouth
On the other hand, you may have been completely unaware that you had an infection because you experienced
no symptoms at all and lesion of infected root could be diagnosed only with x-rays.

Post Treatment of Root Canal
After root canal treatment teeth become more brittle and have significant missing part of tooth structure after
decay removal. A crown (a cap) is recommended to protect treated tooth from possible fractures. It is normal to
feel some tenderness in the area of treatment for few days after root canal therapy. Your jaw may also be sore
from keeping your mouth open for a long period of time. These symptoms are temporary and usually respond
well to pain medications.
On the other hand, you may have been completely unaware that you had an infection because you experienced
no symptoms at all and lesion of infected root could be diagnosed only with x-rays.

Post Treatment of Root Canal
After root canal treatment teeth become more brittle and have significant missing part of tooth structure after
decay removal. A crown (a cap) is recommended to protect treated tooth from possible fractures. It is normal to
feel some tenderness in the area of treatment for few days after root canal therapy. Your jaw may also be sore
from keeping your mouth open for a long period of time. These symptoms are temporary and usually respond
well to pain medications.
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