
inlays / onlays
A porcelain filling may be used to restore your tooth instead of a white composite filling. A porcelain filling is a stronger and longer lasting then a composite filling. As well, its' high bonding strength helps to support and strengthen the remaining tooth structure in a way that is not possible with white fillings. Generally, two appointments are needed for the porcelain filling, as it is fabricated outside your mouth, and it is more expensive then a composite filling. Dr Chiasson will discuss the relative advantages of porcelain fillings based on your specific situations at your visit.
  • Not removable
  • Does not move when eating or speaking
  • Natural appearance made with porcelain so it can be very life like in appearance
  • More durable and long lasting than removable dentures
  • Can make the colour and shape of the teeth how ever desired to improve appearance
  • Can strengthen anchor teeth if they have large fillings

  • If anchoring teeth have little or no fillings, dentist needs to remove healthy tooth structure
  • If gums have shrunken away where teeth have been lost, this cannot be replaced by the bridge, this can be very important for
  • missing front teeth when you smile
  • Add effort to clean underneath as food & dental plaque can accumulate promoting tooth decay on anchor teeth and gum disease

If you have further questions please call our office and book an appointment, 705.352.1028.

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